Building High Performance Organizations
Your Trusted Learning Partner

2025 Complimentary Webinars

As we celebrate a decade of existence in Malawi, at PALGNET we are offering the following wellbeing and mental health sessions free to all our clients. Please diarize and make a date with us every month strictly on weekends from 18:00PM-19:30PM CAT:

Date Program Package Offered
Jan General Mental Health Awareness Bio-psycho-social mental health model
Mental illness e.g. depression, anxieties, etc.
Jan Stress Management Deep breathing
Muscle relaxation, etc.
Feb Mindfulness and Self-Care Traditional versus modern mindfulness
8 categories of practical self-care tips
March Creating a Mental Health Friendly Workplace 15 strategies to be shared and discussed
April Emotional Intelligence 7 levels of EI e.g. emotional regulation, etc.
May Conflict Resolution Strategies Individual conflict resolution models
Organizational models e.g. TKI
June Social Connections 8 levels of social connection building e.g. acquaintances, mentorship
July Work Life Balance Individual, organizational, and technology strategies
Aug Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome Recognition and acceptance
Reframing thoughts
Growth mindset techniques, etc.
Sept Building Self-Confidence and Self-Worth The concept of wholeness
Levels of self-worth building
Oct Living with Trauma and Grief Individual and organizational strategies
Nov Burnout Prevention Individual and organizational strategies
Dec Building Resilience Foundation level
Mastery level
Transformation level