Building High Performance Organizations
Your Trusted Learning Partner

Our Approach

Our approach is built on a deep foundation of corporate and consulting experience and is designed to create an enhanced capability for leaders; in which their strategic goals and business results are leveraged through a better understanding and application of people management frameworks, processes and skills. With a track record spanning over more than 10 years, we are able to bring deep expertise to the table, not only in terms of our consulting ability, but also through our solid learning methodology that has been refined over the years based on our experience and successful project implementation across many clients.

  • Our consultants assist clients to clearly understand key people and performance issues within their organizations and we can recommend and customize solutions based on best practice, critical thinking and a wealth of experience to deliver improved performance and results.
  • We perform detailed diagnoses and need analysis to ensure that our clients are aware of key issues and so that we can design and implement effective targeted solutions.
  • All our consultants have extensive real world business and management experience and have all been involved in major Change and OD projects and initiatives to improve business to improve organizational performance

PALGNET is firmly committed to empowering clients and building capacity within their organizations through a focus on sustainable mind-set, skills and behavior delivered through highly interactive workshops with a strong emphasis on experiential learning. Workshops are designed to be practical and skills-development focused. Information sharing is complemented by practice sessions, case studies, role plays, personal reflection, identification of practice opportunities in the workplace and toolkits. Group learning and discussions are encouraged with feedback and coaching from the facilitators.

  • All learning modules are customized to the relevant organizational and leadership level.
  • All our learning modules can be customized to the organizational specific context, competencies, level and duration required. Learning sessions are practical, relevant and highly interactive. We focus on sustainable change in mind-set, skills and behaviors.
  • There is a good blend of information sharing with personal reflection, assessments, practice sessions, case studies and identification of application opportunities back at work. Group learning and discussions are encouraged with feedback and coaching from the facilitators. Workbooks are provided with tools and activities for on-going learning supported by electronic versions.