Building High Performance Organizations
Your Trusted Learning Partner

Supervisory Development Program (SDP)

More than any other group, managers, leaders and supervisors have the single biggest impact on the success of most teams and organizations. Being in direct daily contact with the work and workforce, they directly influence success factors such as employee engagement, productivity, staff turnover, job satisfaction, efficiency, safe behavior and overall performance.

Yet, research shows that less than 50% of organizations offer their leaders and line managers any formal training after being promoted to their new roles.

The Challenge of Leading from Middle

Every organization or company can be split into three management hierarchies: top-level, middle-level, and operative-level. Strategically, top-level management is very important since it is responsible for making valuable decisions that impact the organization. The operative level, or the third level, is equally important since it is responsible for the actual implementation of top-level management’s decisions at the grassroots level. The third level is responsible for executing plans and policies. However, the middle level is very crucial and extremely challenging. It is the level that binds the other two levels.

Middle-level managers are the main drivers of success for any organization as they are responsible for carrying out orders from top management to the operative level. Their goal is to control what flows between executive and frontline leadership: how strategy translates into execution, how practical organizational ambitions become workplace culture, and how aggressive growth targets lead to productivity and innovation. However, middle-level managers face challenges on a day-to-day basis that directly affect the overall performance of an organization. These challenges include transitioning, management and coordination, communication, conflict resolution, building and maintaining a network, managing diversity and inclusion, and emotional intelligence.

Leading from the middle is often the most difficult thing to do and most leaders and line managers know that.

Having to deal with production pressure from management above and all kinds of pressure from the workforce below, it’s no wonder that managers and supervisors – often lacking even the most basic leadership and management skills training – are often overworked and overwhelmed while often held responsible for the performance bottleneck in many companies.

Why Most New Leaders Under-Perform?​

Surveys have shown that while 60% of new leaders and front-line managers under-perform or even fail in their jobs, 47% of companies don’t offer any supervisory development programs. A report published in the Harvard Business Review found that, on average, new leaders, supervisors and line managers only receive training TEN years after having started in their new roles.

In addition, only about 34% of new leaders and managers or supervisors receive any mentoring and a mere 31% receive any coaching. The ramifications are often severe and lasting. Research by the Ken Blanchard Companies shows what we often see in practice – that poor leadership habits developed in a manager’s formative first years will hold them back for the rest of their careers. By failing to invest in the development of their supervisors or managers, companies are creating a culture of poor leadership which – if they survive – will continue to sabotage their performance for decades to come.

PALGNET Supervisory Development Program (SDP) is targeted to the needs of existing and developing leaders at operational level. The Program consist of 32 modules, individual assignments and individual coaching; from the modules you only select those that suit your team’s development needs. Each module in the program focuses on a leadership competency skill set known to be critical for success at this level.

The program prepares supervisors, team leaders and line managers to lead and manage in ways that create high-engagement cultures which optimizes performance, job satisfaction, engagement, productivity, employee wellness and workplace safety using a game-changing and science based approach. This is not a ‘soft’ approach to leading or managing. Instead, it equips operational leaders with the knowledge, skills and confidence to bring out the best in people by triggering neural responses in the brains of those they lead that links to higher engagement and performance.

As such, this program equips leaders and managers to make the 3 CRITICAL TRANSITIONS required when taking the step up from team member to team leader:

  1. Managing self vs. managing others;
  2. Moving from peer to manager; and
  3. Developing ‘soft skills’ to lead people in addition to the ‘hard skills’ required to do their jobs.

In structure, the program integrates some academic input with experiential learning and practical discovery. Feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive, with most participants testifying to having seen real and positive change in their workplaces as a result of implementing what they have learnt.

Our Supervisory Development Program (SDP) is targeted to the needs of existing and developing leaders at operational level. The program is run in partnership with the Strategic Leadership Institute (SLI).

The Program consist of 20 modules, individual assignments and individual coaching; from the modules you only select those that suit your team’s development needs. Each module in the program focuses on a leadership competency skill set known to be critical for success at this level.

The program prepares leaders and line managers to lead and manage in ways that create high-engagement cultures which optimizes performance, job satisfaction, engagement, productivity and workplace safety. As such, this program equips leaders and frontline managers to make the 3 CRITICAL TRANSITIONS required when taking the step up from team member to team leader.

  1. Managing self vs managing others;
  2. Moving from peer to manager; and
  3. Developing ‘soft skills’ to lead people in addition to the ‘hard skills’ required to do their jobs.

We use a game-changing and science-based approach that enables leaders to lead and manage in engaging ways that optimizes performance, job satisfaction, productivity and engagement. This is not a ‘soft’ approach to leading or managing. Instead, it equips operational leaders with the knowledge, skills and confidence to bring out the best in people by triggering neural responses in the brains of those they lead that links to higher engagement and performance.

In structure, the program integrates some academic input with experiential learning and practical discovery. Feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive, with most participants testifying to having seen real and positive change in their workplaces as a result of implementing what they have learnt.

To decide which modules you want to include for your leaders or team, please see the detailed descriptions of each module below;


  1. Leadership in the 21st Century Workplace
  2. Decision Making and Creativity
  3. Analytical Report Writing,
  4. Present with Impact (Presentation and Public Speaking Skills)
  5. Mastering Time Management (Time Management and Efficiency)
  6. Negotiation Skills and Conflict Management,
  7. Effective Leader Communication
  8. Ethics and Integrity (Diplomatic skills)
  9. Project Management Essentials, Techniques and Control Strategies
  10. Safety Culture Transformation (Occupational Health and Safety)
  11. Psycho-Social Health Support and Wellness at the Workplace
  12. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Management
  13. Leading High Performance Teams
  14. Facilitating Effective Meetings
  15. Change Management
  16. The Leader as a Coach
  17. Building Strengths Based Teams
  18. Risk Management
  19. Computer and Technology
  20. Monitoring and Evaluation

Our Supervisory Development Program:

  • Incorporates principles of neuro-based leadership.
  • You are to select a minimum of 12 modules
  • Combines classroom training with practical learning.
  • Includes on-site individual and team coaching.
  • Includes pre- and post-workshop assessments to track progress.
  • Select only what you need from 1 monthly modules (click on button below for descriptions).
  • Program runs from 3 to 6 months depending on number of modules selected.
  • All training is presented in-house.
  • Max of 20 attendees per workshop.
  • Certificate of Completion upon successful completion of the course.

Expected Outcomes of the Supervisory Development Program

Leaders participating in this program typically show significant improvement in the following areas…

  • increased personal commitment and motivation;
  • Improved decision-making and problem-solving (also when under pressure);
  • Strengthened ability to manage change;
  • Improved diversity and inclusion management skills;
  • Strengthened collaboration skills;
  • Improved conflict management capability and negotiation skills;
  • Ability to present with impact
  • Increased employee engagement in teams they lead;
  • Ability to coach and mentor team members;
  • Improved team member relationships and team unity;
  • Improved team performance;
  • Improved overall safety performance; and
  • Improved ability to deal with stress and production pressure.
  • Improved social media etiquette
  • Improved technology and computer skills and staying abreast with digital transformations in the new world of work

Step 1: Select Modules:

The program consists of 20 modules from which you select only those you need to address your team’s current development needs (minimum of 12 modules). You also select the sequence and frequency in which you want the different components to be presented to your leader (s)/teams. This can be planned together with our team.

Step 2: Project Planning:

Once you’ve made your provisional selection and informed us of your choice, we will schedule a planning session (Zoom or face-to-face) with your key decision makers on this project. This session will help us understand exactly what your needs are and how we can best address them. It will also give your decision makers an opportunity to ask questions and clarify any issues they might have. Once we’ve agreed on your requirements, we will draw up a timetable, we will jointly set the dates and time schedule (typically one to three modules a week per group per week per month). Sessions for each group will be spread over a period of 6 months, the sessions can be run with each group consisting of up to 20 delegates/week, running for 6 months period.

Step 3: Program Implemented:

The next step is to launch and implement the program. This would typically be a combination of a pre-program assessment, experiential classroom sessions (workshops) supported by on-site or online coaching for participants. The duration of the program will depend on the number of modules you have selected and the frequency in which they are presented.

Step 4: Feedback to Client 

The overall success and sustainability of any improvement program strongly depends on the level of support and involvement by senior leaders in the organization. We will periodically give you feedback on progress made and challenges encountered. At the end of the program, PALGNET will submit a detailed report to senior leadership so that you can assess the progress and decide on possible follow-up actions or further extension of the program.

Duration: 2-3 Days

Leading in the 21st Century or Neuro-Leadership for the 21st Century Workplace is an introduction to the essentials of effective leadership and focuses on critical leadership skills and capabilities. It combines the latest leadership– and management–theory with unique scientific insight from social neuroscience. Topics covered include the changed role of leaders; neuro Leadership; understanding and choosing between different leadership styles; effective communication and the importance of trust and collaboration in teams.

Expected Outcomes:

The workshop will help participants to...

  • understand the challenges of 21st Century leadership;
  • understand the differences between leadership and management;
  • align individual and team tasks, goals, mission and vision;
  • choose between different leadership styles; and
  • Apply the basics of neuro Leadership to build trust and improve collaboration in teams.

Duration: 1 Day

Decision Making and Problem Solving equips decision makers at all levels to understand decision-making processes and to harness this insight to enable more effective and creative decision-making. The workshop incorporates established decision-making strategies and practice with new insight from neuroscientific research. Topics covered include the neuroscience of decisions; individual decision-making preferences; decision-making pitfalls; and facilitating collaborative decision-making.

Expected Outcomes:

The workshop will help participants to...

  • understand how we make decisions (including the neuroscience of decisions);
  • avoid common decision-making pitfalls;
  • facilitate collaborative decision-making in teams and groups; and
  • Use problem solving tools and processes for more creative decisions.

Duration: 2 Days 

Theme for this course is enhancing report writing skills. The course is aimed at equipping the leaders with skills and knowledge in proper use of grammar and English language in clear, direct, and action-oriented written communication through written emails, memos, presentations and analytical reports.

The workshop outline consists of:

  • What to expect or include in a report and why? – Group work
  • Understanding of a report
  • Types of reports
  • Business report writing
  • Business report review (grammar, accuracy and punctuation

Duration: 2 Days

Being able to speak in public and deliver powerful presentations is crucial for just about any career. Present with Impact equips participants to experience the joy and fulfilment of being able to present with confidence and impact. Our established and proven workshop content and design (following a step-by-step process to plan, design and deliver high-impact presentations and speeches) is augmented by helping participants understand the neuroscience of presenting - providing unique insights from brain science studies that presenters can harness to their advantage. The course is aimed at equipping leaders with facilitation tools that will enable them to be a good presenters and public speakers. In addition, the course in aimed at drilling participants on how to develop clear and concise PowerPoint presentations.

Expected Outcomes:

The workshop will help participants to...

  • follow a 4-step process to plan and design presentations;
  • align their content and style with their target audience;
  • use color, graphics and language to create lasting impressions;
  • interact with the audience in an engaging manner; and
  • Understand and harness the neuroscience of presenting.
  • Personal Branding: branded for success

Duration: 1 Day

Time is the ONLY resource that is distributed to everyone in equal measure, yet research shows as little as 10% of managers spend their time in a committed, purposeful, and reflective manner. Mastering Time Management helps participants to understand the critical importance of effective time management and guides them to identify their individual time management blind spots and how these can be turned around. The workshop also deals with priority setting, the fallacy of multitasking, overcoming bad time management habits and taking personal responsibility for effective time management. The course is also aimed at equipping leaders with skills required for excellent time management and efficiency in delivery of memos, reports and work-committed responsibilities tools and skill development to become more efficient in this discipline must be implemented.

Expected Outcomes:

The workshop will help participants to...

  • understand the benefits of effective time management on a personal and organizational level;
  • identify individual bad habits that lead to poor time management;
  • follow a neuroscience-based process to develop good time management habits;
  • deal with information overload and constant interruptions; and
  • Create a personal action plan for more effective time management.

Duration: 2-3 Days 

Negotiating with the Brain in Mind is another ground-breaking offering ion that it combines the established principles and processes of negotiating with new insight into the neural processes which come into play during negotiations. This workshop will equip those who are often involved in negotiations—both formal and informal– to improve the way they negotiate in order to attain win-win outcomes. Topics covered includes individual negotiation styles; planning– diagnosing and executing a negotiation process; effective communication during a negotiation; the role and impact of cultural diversity during negotiations; and the neuroscience of negotiations. In addition, the skills to handle and produce effective results while dealing with conflict.

Creative Conflict Management equips participants to deal with conflict in a constructive manner. Integrating emerging knowledge on how our brains respond to conflict, the workshop helps participants to understand the positive potential of conflict; identify their own natural conflict management style; appreciate the role of individual personalities; use an established model and process to manage conflict in a constructive manner; and understand the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

Expected Outcomes:

The workshop will help participants to...

  • understand their own natural negotiation style;
  • understand different negotiation types;
  • plan, diagnose and execute a negotiation process;
  • understand the principles of effective communication during negotiations;
  • understand and manage neural responses during negotiations; and
  • become more effective in negotiating win-win agreements
  • understand that conflict in itself is neither negative nor positive;
  • understand and choose between conflict management styles;
  • analyze and assess a conflict situation;
  • manage the impact of culture during a conflict; and
  • Resolve conflict constructively.

Duration:  2 Days 

Effective Leader Communication is without doubt the lifeblood of any successful group or organization. This workshop equips participants to communicate more effectively in order to create clarity and increase their leadership influence. Topics covered include the implications of information overload; using the most effective medium; a communication model and process; different communication styles; the neuroscience of communication; communication during change; and communicating during a crisis. The course also looks at Interpersonal Communication skills aimed at equipping leaders with skills required for effective, direct, and honest Professional Interpersonal Communication skills.

Expected Outcomes:

The workshop will help participants to...

  • understand the dynamics and importance of effective communication;
  • understand and choose between different communication styles;
  • use the most appropriate communication medium;
  • communicate effectively during change; and
  • Apply the principles of brain-friendly communication to maximize performance.

Duration: 1 Day

The course is aimed at equipping leaders with skills required for effective, direct, and honest Professional Diplomacy and tact in all dealings. The objective of the course is to:

  • To instil core values for the organization to all staff in line with the code of conduct/conditions of service.
  • To refresh all staff memory on the vision, mission of the organization.
  • To identify staff who own the organization’s vision through acts of conduct
  • Instill a culture of social media etiquette and manage your digital footprints

Course outline is as follows:

  • Code v Conduct
  • Purpose of the Code
  • Principles and Values
  • Work Ethics
  • Personal Behavior
  • Obligations to the employer
  • Political Neutrality
  • Responsibility towards the community
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Acceptance of Gifts and other Benefits
  • Use of Company Resources
  • Human Rights
  • Enforcement
  • Digital Footprints: Social Media Reputation Management

Duration: 3-4 days

Project management is a planned and organized effort to create a product. Project management includes developing a project plan, which includes defining project goals and objectives, specifying tasks and associating budgets and timelines. The challenge of project management is to achieve its objectives adhering to time, scope and cost and quality. The skill of project management is becoming increasingly important in most organizations and sectors. Pan African Learning and Growth Network has developed a two-day intensive and interactive training program that will equip your team with the necessary skills and knowledge required to effectively and successfully manage projects in your organization.

The program investigates the basic components of project management, beginning by exploring the basic terminology used in project management. It further focuses on managing the technical aspects of project management such as finance, plans, time and quality. It also explores the critical issues of managing people and the potential power struggles between the many stakeholders affected by the project. The program links all this information to the project life cycle and shows how this life cycle impacts on the delivery and management of all projects.

Some of the Topics the Workshop will look at are;

  • Effective and proactive management of project time frames
  • Stake holders integration and scope management
  • Efficient budget management and alignment with project requirements
  • Communication and information channels management
  • Risk management (module falls together with Risk Management Module 12).

Course Outcomes:

  • Understand the most important terminology, concepts of managing a project – plans, viability, quality, risk, benefits, change, progress…..
  • State the main purpose and key contents of the major management products
  • Understand the level of responsibility, authority and accountability held by those involved in the project and Participate effectively as a Team/Board Member in a project
  • Articulate the steps needed to guide the project through controlled, well-managed and visible sets of activities to achieve the desired results
  • Understand of key project success and failure factors within their workplace
  • Know the skills and processes to manage group dynamics and project teams effectively
  • Be able to successfully analyze problems, develop a feasible project strategy, plan, implement, control, and evaluate a project
  • Be able to apply key project management tools
  • Understand the flow of the project from getting started to project closure
  • Understand the aspects of the project that must be addressed continually
  • Be able to successfully identify, understand and involve appropriate stakeholders in the project management process
  • Know the key skills and processes to successfully delegate and manage time more effectively and efficiently
  • Be familiar with key issues related to outsourcing
  • learn a whole-system approach and process for identifying, analyzing, monitoring and controlling risk and learn how to conduct a risk analysis
  • Know the structures to write professional project reports and proposals

Duration: 2 Days

Safety Culture Transformation is another trailblazing workshop specifically aimed at equipping leaders and supervisors to improve the safety culture in their teams. The workshop will help participants understand the constructs of a safety culture and how their behavior as leaders will create either a “fear-culture” or a brain-friendly safety culture in their teams. Specific focuses include breaking through the “safety glass ceiling”, the principles of neurosafety, the dimensions of a safety culture (informed, reporting, just, trust, flexible, learning), the leader and supervisors role as a catalyst of culture and the impact of culture on behavior and decision-making.

Expected Outcomes:

The workshop will help participants to...

  • understand why traditional approaches to safety is no longer enough in the 21st Century workplace;
  • understand organizational culture and how it is formed;
  • Understand Behavioral based Safety
  • Understanding of Safety Audit
  • Understand Safety Performance Improvement
  • learn to discern between stereotypes and cultural tendencies;
  • understand the critical role of the leader as a catalyst of culture;
  • understand and improve 5 leadership practices that create a culture;
  • understand the basics of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and how this impacts team culture;
  • understand the constructs of an effective Safety Culture; and
  • An approach to create a no-fear environment.
  • Understand the money side of Safety: Cost or Investment? (Moral, financial, and legal responsibilities to today’s safety professionals)
  • Identify Risk Management Solutions: prevention of serious injuries and controlling exposures
  • Gain an understanding of strategies to control workers compensation costs

Duration: 2 Days

The W.H.O defined Health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. (1948). “Social well-being” is an important aspect of this definition that may not always occur to us when we are thinking about our health. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.

Mental health challenges are more prevalent than previously believed and have a huge impact on the workplace. The Maximillian 2020 study on mental health and the workplace reports that at least 60% of employees have experienced a mental health challenge in the past year.

Impact of Mental Health Issues on Individual Workplace Productivity

Facts and Figures

  • 1 out of 4 are looking to leave their job
  • 26% of employees are so unhappy, they dread Mondays
  • Only 1 in 5 employees consider themselves effective in their jobs
  • 66% of millennials believe they’ve chosen the wrong career
  • 91% of managers agree that what they do affects the wellbeing of their staff
  • 75% of workforce says that their bad boss is the worst part of the workplace
  • 65% of employees say they’d take a new boss over a pay rise
  • Mental illness is more prevalent than many employers realize.

The PALGNET’s psycho-social health support strategy is tailor made to suit the organizations business strategy and hopes to add value to the business. The psycho-social health support strategy uses a participatory approach to ensure that messages are internalized and that the trainees gain practical skills to handle challenges of employee wellness which may arise. The aim of training is to prevent and mitigate all issues which may affect the overall wellbeing of employees and their families through prevention, care and support and to ensure that all employees achieve overall wellbeing and a sense of work- life balance.

The Course Outcomes:

  • Raise awareness on mental health, coping strategies and building resilience
  • Institute mental health, social care and welfare programs which are based on educational settings.
  • Encourage employees to uptake services, identify main source of care such as families, social groups, church cell groups, religious leaders and traditional leaders for collaboration.
  • Establish referral linkages/networks for dealing with issues such as death, dying, loss and grief.
  • All responses must seek to create safe and protected environments for care and support while making use of existing resources.
  • All responses must have the key psychosocial principles which are Hope, Safety, Social connectedness, self and community efficacy.
  • Ensure that vulnerable groups are put into consideration for all interventions, children, people with disabilities, the aging, pregnant women, people who are immunocompromised, ethnic groups which may face discrimination or stigma etc.
  • Personal care; Personal Hygiene and promoting your health
  • Encourage self-care strategies such as - breathing exercises, yoga, exercise, musical therapy, reading, movies to reduce stress
  • Ensure that there are regular normalization messages about fear and anxiety and how communities can support one another
  • mechanisms to reduce the negative impact of social isolation at quarantine sites, such as providing communication tools for them to stay in touch with family and friends during isolation
  • Discuss telemedicine and online medical services so that help can be delivered remotely
  • Encourage people to stop smoking, drinking and taking mind altering substances to cope with the stress of COVID or any other life stressors
  • Provide accurate information on exactly what people should do if they feel unwell, both for physical and mental health purposes
  • Encourage employees to draw from past skills they have used to cope with stress in the past as this may help manage emotions during this time and help to build resilience
  • Encourage employees to get rest during this time, to eat healthy and to maintain a timetable or structure so that a sense of being in control is established.
  • Ensure that employees are aware that feeling stress and anxiety is normal during times of crisis and that people have different ways of coping with stress, each person must find the right fit for coping.
  • Financial Wellness: organizing personal finance for financial freedom(financial planning, wealth creation, debt management, pensions, financial industry, financial behaviors, skills and attitudes for success)
  • Establish special support for individuals with history of gender-based violence, sometimes home is not a safe place, ensure that these people have special go to places for accessing information, websites, etc. on access to safety or immediate security.

Duration: 2 Days

The purpose of the module is to introduce a systemic approach to creating and embedding a culture of inclusion in an organization by acknowledging difference and equipping all to build better relationships between diverse employees within the organization. The world has become an inter-connected “global village” where diversity, variety and constant change have become the norm. In this new environment the role of leaders have changed from the old "command-and-control" autocrats to that of skilled facilitators who are able to motivate, collaborate and engage people for optimum results. To do so effectively, cross-cultural competency has become a key success factor.

This workshop uses an established model to help participants understand culture and its influence in the workplace. It also provides participants with unique and revelational insight into the workings of the human brain when interacting in multicultural and other diverse environments. Participants are guided to recognize how this could be applied to improve their impact and effectiveness when working with individuals and groups from different backgrounds and orientations. The workshop integrates academic input, experiential learning and practical discovery in a proven formula.

Expected Outcomes

The workshop will help participants to...

  • understand the difference between cultural stereotypes and tendencies;
  • understand culture and its impact in the workplace;
  • To expand your knowledge of the key concepts of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
  • To equip you with tools to navigate and manage issues as they arise in the workplace, building a culture of inclusive leadership.
  • To provide a safe space for personal and group reflection and learning, by having conversations we haven’t had before or don’t usually have – and doing so courageously.
  • How to create safe spaces for critical conversations on inclusion-related issues, linked to race, gender, generational differences, sexual orientation, religious differences, etc.
  • A better understanding of the dimensions of difference.
  • Insights into the business imperative for inclusion
  • Practical tools for becoming inclusive in your immediate environment.
  • Systemic and stakeholder aspects of a culture of inclusion; and
  • More identified opportunities to leverage diversity throughout the company.
  • A sense of belonging and ownership of the organization by all diverse employees.
  • Improved relationships among employees within the organization.
  • apply an appropriate strategy to deal with cultural differences; and
  • Improve their overall cultural competency and diversity management skills.

Duration: 1 or 2 Days

Leading High Performance Teams helps current and developing leaders understand the key success factors for team performance and equips them to apply this understanding in the workplace. As such it incorporates current knowledge and evidence about teamwork and performance with new scientific findings about human group interaction and functioning. Participants are encouraged to assess their own team behavior and to develop the skills and mindsets required for excellence in empowered teams.

Expected Outcomes:

  • The workshop will help participants to...
  • understand the potential value of teamwork in the 21st Century workplace;
  • understand the dynamics and characteristics of high-performance teams;
  • manage the role of individual personalities and roles in teams;
  • facilitate collaboration in teams; and
  • Apply the basics of neuro Leadership to build trust in teams.


Facilitating Effective (Brain-Friendly) Meetings is a practical workshop which helps meeting facilitators at all levels do so more effectively. Participants are provided with a process to plan and facilitate effective meetings while new perspectives from neuroscience help them understand how leader behavior can either enhance or undermine the effectiveness of meetings.

Expected Outcomes:

The workshop will help participants to...

  • understand the difference between effective and ineffective meetings;
  • plan and facilitate meetings and discussions more effectively;
  • recognize the “task” and “social” reasons behind meetings; and
  • Apply the principles of neuro Leadership when facilitating meetings.

Duration: 2 Days

It is no secret that many supervisors and leaders at all levels are struggling to keep up in a world where change has become the only constant. Our Change Management equips participants to understand and effectively manage the effect of constant change on themselves and the people they lead. Participants are helped to understand the drivers of change (internal, organizational, local, national and global) and how this requires new skills and approaches in leadership. This workshop also provides participants with unique insight into the workings of the human brain when faced with constant change and how this could be applied to be more effective in dealing with the impact of change on themselves and others.

Expected Outcomes:

The workshop will help participants to...

  • understand the effect and implications of constant change;
  • understand the internal and external drivers and domains of change;
  • understand the difference between change management and change leadership;
  • learn about the brain’s natural response to change and how to manage this in themselves and in others;
  • learn the basics of brain-friendly change leadership; and
  • Improve their overall change leadership competence.

Duration: 1 or 2 Days

This workshop is aimed at helping teams of all sizes make the shift from ineffective weakness-fixing into strengths-based units, which have been scientifically proven to improve productivity; improve employee engagement; and muster mutual understanding and commitment to the team’s vision and goals.

Expected Outcomes:

The workshop will help participants to...

  • discover and develop their own unique strengths for more effective and fulfilling work;
  • learn to appreciate and embrace the strengths of their team-mates and colleagues;
  • increase team effectiveness and employee engagement by aligning strengths with goals; and
  • Lead and coach others to discover, develop and use their strengths.

Duration: 2 Days

The Leader as a Coach equips leaders with the skills to coach the members of their teams. This enables them not to merely fulfil their management roles but to also help improve the skillset of their teams and to develop more leaders. Topics covered include the difference between coaching, mentoring and teaching; the importance of trust between coach and coachee; and using the GROW-model to facilitate coaching conversations.

Expected Outcomes:

The workshop will help participants to...

  • build trusting relationships with team members;
  • identify individual talent, distinctive competencies, and potential growth opportunities;
  • use coaching skills to manage individual performance levels (high, medium or low performers);
  • create relevant development plans to help grow individuals; and
  • Apply the principles of neuro leadership when coaching others.


Does Risk Management make any serious contribution to Business Performance? Do we really need to do it?


Risk Management is the way the organisation balances the inevitability of risk in the pursuit of profit and objectives, with the need to protect its assets. By attending this module, you will be able to prepare for and manage in circumstances where foreseen and/or unforeseen risks may be serious or even catastrophic. During the training course you will learn about the common shortfalls and inadequacies in the treatment of risk, as well as how to do it well. Risk management is often conducted poorly, but if applied coherently and rigorously, can contribute extensively to performance and competitiveness of operations, and the whole organisation.


This training course will feature:

  • Introduction to Risk Management
  • The need for dangers and best practices associated with Risk Management
  • The role of Risk Management in contributing to performance and competitiveness
  • The relationships between Risk Management and other functional areas
  • The concepts, approaches, international standards, methods and techniques for the effective implementation of Risk Management
  • Risk Evaluation: Evaluating current provision and developing mechanisms to support application across the organisation
  • Managing Risk to Maximise Performance
  • The Leadership Responsibility
  • Business Continuity


What are the Goals?


By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:


  • Master the concepts, approaches, international standards, methods and techniques for the effective implementation of Risk Management
  • Discuss and learn the practical application of these best practices, through case studies & exercises
  • Evaluate current provision and develop mechanisms to support application across the organisation
  • Guide organisational deployment
  • Champion Risk Management at all levels of the organisation


Duration: 3-4 days

The world is changing constantly and ongoing computer and technology skills development and upgrades will be necessary for staff to meet the objectives of the Strategic Plan. Information Technology. IT plays a significant role in many organizations’ operations today; therefore, having a working knowledge of IT basics may be helpful. Computer literacy and Technology has become a prerequisite for almost any job in the modern office environment, and as such, it is more important than ever before to ensure that officers have the knowledge and skills to utilise the latest technology for their own benefit, and the benefit of Bank.

Course outline (Can be customised):

  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Email Management
  • Information Management
  • Data Entry
  • Digital Calendars (Google, Outlook, etc.)
  • File Sharing Programs (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)
  • Workplace Chat (Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc. )
  • Video Conferencing
  • Cloud Backup Software (Dropbox Pro, Carbonite, etc.)
  • Social Media Management
  • Project Management Software (Asana, Jira, etc.) – (optional) depends on levels/grades of participants and usage

Duration: 4-5 days

The course is aimed at equipping officers with tools that will enable them understand the concepts and components in planning, monitoring and evaluation as they design and implement M&E plans.

This is a comprehensive M&E training that covers the principles and practices for results-based monitoring and evaluation for the entire project life cycle. This course equips participants with skills in setting up and implementing results-based monitoring and evaluation systems including M&E data management, analysis and reporting. The participants will benefit from the latest M&E thinking and practices including the results and participatory approaches.

This course is designed to enable the participants become experts in monitoring and evaluating their development projects. The course covers all the key elements of a robust M&E system coupled with a practical project to illustrate the M&E concepts. The course is aimed at equipping officers with tools that will enable them understand the concepts and components in planning, monitoring and evaluation as they design and implement M&E plans.

Why Data Analytics?

Data Analytics is playing a great role in Monitoring and Evaluation. This can result in large datasets which requires the use of modern data analytics methods and analytical tools to analyse and report. Data and analytics are also being increasingly applied to offline interventions, to complement traditional monitoring and evaluation tools. These methods present new possibilities for ongoing monitoring, rapid assessments, and novel impact indicators. But they require new paradigms and frame-works for monitoring and evaluation that are built on and retain the methodological rigor of traditional methods.

Course Outline

  • A Basic Introduction to the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (Fundamentals)
  • Essentials of Monitoring and Evaluation: Indicators and Outcome Monitoring
  • Design of Results in Monitoring and Evaluation
  • M&E Indicators
  • M&E Planning
  • Base Survey in Results based M&E
  • Project Performance Evaluation
  • Introduction to Results Based Project Management
  • M&E Data Management
  • M&E Results Use and Dissemination
  • Introduction to Data Analytics
  • Data Analytics tools and Techniques
  • Digitalization in Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Data Engineering: Data Quality
  • Data Analytics 1: Qualitative Data Analysis
  • Data Analytics 2: Quantitative Data Analysis
  • Impact Assessment

FOLLOW-ON COACHING: Studies have shown that while classroom training increased performance with an average of more than 20%, adding a one-to-one or group coaching intervention after the training can push performance up with as much 88%. We therefore strongly recommend that a one-on-one coaching intervention (we have included a brief write up on the coaching sessions that can be conducted virtually) be included in your program. Coaching will be customized to your leaders or team’s goals and needs and will be performed by a certified coach.

INVOICING: It can be arranged for invoicing to be done on a monthly basis so that the cost is spread evenly over the period that the program is running.