Workshops and Master Classes
Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders and Technical Experts – Today
Our comprehensive training portfolio of more than 300+ professional and skill-building training courses cover a wide range of industry, professional and technical subject matters. Whether you are developing talent, leadership or specialist technical skills we have the solution to your needs.
To ensure a complete and immersive learning experience, our highly interactive and inspiring training courses are delivered in person or online. Our world-leading training portfolio will provide you with an enviable list to choose from. You can be confident to find something to satisfy your personal development objectives and organisational goals
Browse through courses by alphabetical order below.
- Advanced Microsoft Project (MS Project)
- Advanced Excel Dashboards
- Advanced Excel Formulas and Functions
- Advocacy (Empower People to Influence Policy Makers)
- Advocacy Campaigning (Develop an Effective and Influencing Campaign for your Cause)
- Agile HR – Certification ICAgile Certified Professional – Agile Talent (ICP-TAL)
- Agile Leadership
- Agile Marketing Fundamental – ICAgile Certification in Agile Marketing
- Agri-Business, Enterprise Development and Market Linkages
- Agriculture Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development
- Agriculture Policy Framework for Development
- Agriculture Value Chain Development and Market Linkages
- AI and Machine Learning in Insurance
- Algorithmic Marketing
- Aligning Learning with Business Strategy
- Analytical Report Writing
- Assessment Center Design and Management
- Balanced Scorecard
- Banking Analytics
- Better Claims Better CX with Advanced Insurance Analytics
- Big Data in Marketing
- Brain-minded Diversity Management
- Brand Re-Thought! ™ – Your Brand is not your Logo!
- Breakthrough Learning to Accelerate Results
- Budgeting and Budget Control of the HR Function and Effective Manpower Planning
- Build and Grow Functional Teams™ – Practical Training for the Evergreen Leader
- Building Change Management Capability
- Building Individual and Team Resilience with the Brain in Mind
- Calculating Meaningful ROI for Workplace Learning
- Causes and Minimization of Post-Harvest Losses
- Certified Talent Practitioner
- Chairing and Initiating Workplace Disciplinary Hearings
- Chartered Organizational Development Practitioner
- Client Relationship Management
- Climate Change Adaptation in a Changing Environment
- Climate Resilience and Food Security
- Coaching and Mentoring in your Organization
- Coaching for Peak Performance: Capitalizing on Complex Dynamics
- Coaching, Mentoring and Career Development Success
- Community Health and Nutrition
- Compensation, Benefits Administration and Reward Management
- Competency Based Behavioral Interviewing Skills
- Competency Based Management
- Competency Frameworks: from Theory to Implementation
- Complex Adaptive Development Coaching
- Core Strengths Accountability
- Corporate Communications and Public Relations
- Corporate Reputation Management and Business Ethics
- Crafting and Creating Positive Organizations
- Crafting and Executing an Effective People Strategy
- Creating Equitable and Inclusive Workplaces
- Creating Intelligent Teams
- Creating Storyboarding for eLearning
- Creative Conflict Management
- Credit Control and Debt Management
- Critical Thinking, Creativity and Innovation
- Crucial Mentoring Conversations
- Data Analysis, Modelling and Simulation using Excel
- Data Analytics for Monitoring and Evaluation
- Data Collection and Management using CSPRO Training
- Data Engineering
- Data Management and Analysis for Qualitative Data using NVIVO
- Data Management and Statistical Data Analysis using Python
- Data Management and Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS
- Data Management and Statistical Data Analysis using STATA
- Data Science for Risk Management
- Data Visualisation
- Data Visualization using Tableau
- Designing a Digital Learning Strategy and Digital Learning Measurement Dashboard
- Designing and Managing the Hybrid Workplace for Optimal Performance
- Designing Centers – Training on How to Design your own Centers
- Designing Fit For-Purpose Organizations for the Emerging New World
- Developing and Implementing an Employee Experience Strategy for your Organization
- Developing and Implementing HR Strategy and HR Manuals
- Digital Footprints and Social Media Reputation Management
- Digital Marketing Training
- Disaster and Risk Management
- DISC Personality Profile Assessment and Workshop
- Economic Data Management and Analysis
- Effective B2B and Trade Marketing Strategies
- Effective Talent Management Techniques
- ELearning: Introduction to the Art of eLearning Development
- Electronic Document and Records Management
- Email Etiquette
- Emotional intelligence (EI) for the New World of Work
- Emotional Intelligence and Brain Minded Culture Diversity Management
- Emotional Resilience
- Employee Share Schemes – Improve Trust, Engagement and Reduce Inequality
- Employment Equity
- Engagement for a Hybrid Work Culture
- Engaging Millenials and the Modern Learner
- Enneagram for Individual and Team-Based Development
- Epidemiological Data Analysis Using STATA
- Equitable and Inclusive Workplace
- Essential Soft Skills Training for Drivers and Office Assistants
- Evidence-Informed Learning Design
- Executive PAs, EAs and Professional Administrators
- Facilitating Brain-Friendly Meetings
- Finance Analytics
- Financial Analysis and Modelling using Excel
- Financial Boot Camp for HR Professionals
- Financial Management Essentials for NGOs
- Financial Management for Donor Funded Projects
- Financial Management for Program Staff
- Financial Modelling and Valuation Cours
- Financial Technology (FINTECH) and Exhibition
- Fleet Management Transportation and Distribution
- Flood Disaster Risk Management in a Changing Climate
- From HR to C-Suite
- Fundraising (Develop your own sustainable revenue model)
- Gamification
- Gender Analysis and Development
- Gender Based Violence Training
- Gender Mainstreaming, Analysis and Planning
- GIS Analysis in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Training
- GIS and Data Analysis for WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) Programmes
- GIS and Remote Sensing for Agricultural Resource Management
- GIS and Remote Sensing for Public Health and Epidemiology
- GIS and Remote Sensing in Climate Change, Food Security and Agriculture
- GIS and Remote Sensing in Multi Hazard Early Warning Systems
- GIS Data Collection, Analysis, Visualization and Mapping
- GIS Disease Surveillance Monitoring
- GIS for Disaster Risk Management
- GIS for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
- GIS for Monitoring and Evaluation
- GIS Mapping and Spatial Analysis using ArcGIS
- GIS Mapping and Spatial Data Analysis using QGIS
- Grant Management and Fundraising
- Grievance and Disciplinary Action Procedures
- High Reliability Organization (HRO)
- HR Administrative Processes
- HR Analytics
- HR as a Strategic Business Partner
- HR Auditor
- HR Capability Building – for HR Practitioners and Managers
- HR Metrics and Analytics for Practitioners
- HR Monitoring and Reporting
- HR/OD Consulting Skills
- HRDAC – HR Development Assessment Centre
- HRM and Labor Relations
- Human Capital and Labor Market Trends: Taking an “Outside In” Approach
- Human Rights Based Approach (Empowering the Disadvantaged to Claim their Rights)
- Igniting Employee Engagement
- Impact Evaluation for Evidence-Based Policy in Development
- Impactful HR Research and Evidence-Based HR practice
- Implementing a Lean Approach to and through HR
- Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement through Effective Frontline Leadership
- Induction Training
- Information Security and Data Management
- Integrated Talent Management
- Integrating Needs Analysis, Assessment and Evaluation of Training
- Introduction to Data Science
- Introduction to Job Evaluation
- Inventory and Stock Control Management
- Inventory Control and Warehouse Management
- Job Analysis, Job Evaluation and Grade Structures
- Job Crafting
- Knowledge Management
- Laser-Focused Strategic Planning™ – Transforming Theory into Everyday Reality
- Lead with the Brain in Mind
- Leadership Safari™ – Aspire: Assimilate: Amplify
- Leading Change with the Brain in Mind
- Leading Strategic HR Transformation
- Leading with Ethics and Compliance
- Learning Analytics
- Learning and Development: Strategies and Practices
- Learning Paths Certification
- Longitudinal Panel and Time Series Data Analysis using Stata
- Managing a Hybrid Workforce
- Managing Emotions for Peak Performance and Success in the Workplace
- Managing Employee Forum
- Managing Employee Performance, Behavior and Attitudes
- Managing the Professional Services Firms of Today
- Managing the Professional Services Firms of Today
- Mastering Time Management
- Measuring Return on Investment in Training
- Mentor Training – the Path to Effective Mentor-Mentee Team Performance
- Mentorship Training for Mentors
- Microsoft Power BI Visualization and Modelling
- Mobile Data Collection and Management using KoBoToolBox
- Mobile Data Collection using ODK & KoboToolBox for Monitoring and Evaluation
- Mobile Data Collection, GIS Mapping, Visualization and Analysis using ODK and QGIS
- Monitoring and Evaluation for Agriculture and Rural Development
- Monitoring and Evaluation for Development Projects and Programmes
- Monitoring and Evaluation for Food Security and Nutrition
- Monitoring and Evaluation for Governance
- Monitoring and Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL)
- Monitoring Evaluation and Data Analysis for Community Based Projects
- Negotiating with the Brain in Mind
- Neuroscience Based Learning Design
- New World of Work – How to set your Team up for Success
- Next Generation Human Resource: Aligning Human Resources to Strategy
- Observer/Assessor Training – The Road to become Competent
- Occupational Health and Safety
- OD/HR Consulting Skills
- Online and e-Learning
- Organization Design
- Organizational Savvy Briefing (half day)
- Organizational Savvy Clinic (1 day)
- Organizational Savvy Workshop (2 days)
- Pensions Innovation and Technology
- People Management for the New Workplace Conference
- People Management Skills for Managers
- Performance Management and Accountability for Improved Productivity
- Performance Management, Measurement and Performance Appraisals
- Performance Review Skills
- Personal Mastery
- Positive Organizational Wellbeing Workshop
- Power up Your Greatness – The Mega Future Youth Event
- Present with Impact (Presentation and Facilitation Skills Building)
- Professional Business Etiquette and Grooming
- Project Administration, Negotiation Skills and Contract Management
- Project Appraisals and Impact Evaluations
- Project Financial Management for Non-Financial Professionals
- Project Information Management System for Development Organizations and NGOs
- Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam Prep
- Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation with MS Projects
- Project Monitoring and Evaluation with Data Management and Analysis
- Project Performance Evaluation
- Proposal Writing
- Public Financial Management and Administration
- Public Relations
- Python for Data Analytics
- Quantitative Data Management and Analytics with NVIVO
- Recruitment, Interviewing and Appraisal Techniques
- Recruitment, Retention and Talent Management
- Remuneration Strategy and Policy
- Requisite Organization
- Research Design, Mobile Data Collection and Data Analysis using NVIVO and SPSS
- Research Design, Mobile Data Collection and Data Analysis using NVIVO and STATA
- Resilient Livelihoods Training
- Resilient Organisations: Building a Thriving Workplace
- Resource Mobilization, Fundraising and Proposal Writing
- Result Based Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects
- Retrenchment and Transfer of Business
- Safeguarding and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)
- Safety Culture Transformation/Behavioral Based Safety
- Salary Structuring and Total Package
- Sales Analytics
- Sexual Harassment
- Social Accountability
- Social Cognitive Neuroscience and its Application to Organizational Learning and Growth
- Strategic Customer Loyalty and Experience Management
- Strategic HR Planning for the Achievement of Organizational Results
- Strategic L&D: Evaluating and Developing the L&D Function
- Strategic Organizational Development
- Succeeding in a Digital World
- Succession Management, Planning and Career Development
- Supply Chain Analytics
- Sustainable Local Economic Development
- Systematic Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Talent Management in Emerging Markets – A Key Strategic Investment
- Teaching with Emotional Intelligence for Teachers
- Telecommunications Analytics
- The Alpha Portfolio™ – Strategic Communication for Executives and Managers
- The Approachable Mentor™ – Mentorship for Managers and Team Leaders
- The Art of Self-Mastery: Self-Leadership Matters
- The Data-driven HR Director: Harnessing the Power of HR Analytics and AI
- The Future of Education Technology
- The Gestalt OD Approach to Coaching: a Skills Workshop for Facilitating Learning and Change
- The HR Scorecard
- Thriving Workshop for Women in Management and Leadership
- Train the Facilitator
- Strategic Communication for Managers and Executives
- Transformational Leadership and Governance
- Transforming, Analysing and Visualizing Data using Microsoft Power BI
- Transport and Logistics Management
- Travel and Protocol Management
- Untapped Talent: Unleashing the Power of the Hidden Workforce
- Values Based Leadership
- Warehouse and Stores Management
- Web-based GIS and Mapping
- Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools
- Workforce Planning
- Writing and Implementing HR Policies and Procedures