Building High Performance Organizations
Your Trusted Learning Partner

2025 Training Schedule

The PALGNET experience is about learning to learn. When you come into a PALGNET training room, you are challenged to think about what learning actually means. You might start by looking at a business story or case, and then you are challenged to take the discussion to a more conceptual level: how can you extract a conceptual idea from this case or story and extrapolate it to a different context; what will that look like; where might it succeed or fail, and why? When you partner with PALGNET, you are challenged to make a semantic shift in thinking; one that will empower you to see the forest amid the trees, build frameworks of understanding that can be applied to all kinds of scenarios or problems and develop the muscle of continuous and lifelong learning to stay ahead of the curve, today and tomorrow.

When designing programs, we are continuously aware of the fine balance between theory and practice. The theory component must support and compliment practice. The process of providing delegates with just the right amount of theory carefully balanced with just the right number of practical skills is what determines any training organization's ultimate success.

Workshop environments (which consist of smaller groups of between 10 – 24 delegates), allow facilitators to deliver the theory component whilst allowing delegates (in breakaway groups of about 6 delegates each), to engage in practical exercises. The close interactions with other delegates from differing companies generate conversations and allow the delegates to actively participate in the sharing of powerful information. This type of learning process can be very effective when used over short periods of time for example two to three days. They create an effective learning opportunity for those delegates who learn more effectively from direct interaction.